Rain, rain, go away….
As you can guess, the rainy season is still in full swing. I’m actually fine with rainy weather and am glad we are getting all of it so that everything will be green soon. I may however blame the rain as the reason for any

I took off to Barda last Friday to help a PCV with a local trash pick up for kids and her town. We had a handful of PCVs come in to help Sarah’s project and about 25-30 kids help out. We all had rubber gloves and trash bags and picked up litter for about 1.5 hours. Some Azeri people stopped us and asked what we were doing and then why Americans were doing it. We told them it was good for the environment and that no one else was doing it in AZ, so thought we should do it. Most of them got the point and were happy about it. The kids were all in good spirits and had a good time with a good lesson learned. I really enjoy getting to visit new towns and helping out other Volunteers with their projects-even something as simple as a trash pick up. It gives us time to hang out together, but more importantly allows us to have a positive impact in AZ in other areas besides only working on things in our towns. We crashed at Sarah’s amazing house-she wins the award for coolest set up I’ve seen-she has a huge open outside area fully equipped with gymnastic rings and a FREAKING POOL! I’m not even joking on this. She has a 5 foot high, 8 foot wide and 30 foot long cement water container. I now know where I’ll be spending my free weekends this summer!
After our clean up we headed to Ganja to help celebrate Ben and Maria’s birthdays! We had a really good group of friends there and had a great time. It is fun going to Ganja because it feels like city living, but not as big as
I took off for icious, but not too entertaining. I basically used my time there to get a bunch of little PC things taken care of and to recharge my batteries for the coming two weeks.
The next 11 days will be by far the busiest days of my time here to date. This week I have to try to do everything within my power to finish my playground for the orphanage-come on good weather-including buying supplies, managing the install of everything, setting up the opening day play time, etc., plan and hold my conversation club, get permission for all of the kids we are inviting to America Day, start to really organize it, and have dinner with a couple of people visiting Lenkeran from the Embassy. I’m really hoping it will be a good week and I won’t have too many bumps in the road, although I’m expecting at least a few solid dips.
Kasey in a cab; Magda, Tom, Me, Kasey and Rachel Azeri style picture; Rikki George, Me, Kasey, and Magda; Me, Tom and Magda; and finally the entire gang. Incase you were curious, yes, I was in fact sporting a super sweet moustache that weekend…
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