Not a lot to talk about this week. We had 2 days of training with our counterparts in

We had over two feet of snow total last weekend, so there were snow ball fights had and snow men made which was fun. I think we officially found Tom a house today, so that is good news for the Lenkeran crew. A few other Volunteers have found new places, but a lot of people are still having a tough time with it.
I have two Nene high lights of the week. This morning when we were eating breakfast a piece of wood in the fire made a loud pop/crackle noise and she told me seriously that the wood was talking about her-I kinda believe her oddly enough. She also cleaned my room while I was in
I am still waiting to hear on my grant from Disney, so hopefully I’ll get some good news on that soon. I just met with a local teacher and Tom and I are going to meet with her students for an hour each we to help them practice their English speaking. I also got some good news from the PC that a proposal a few of us made to create an environmental committee has been accepted. I also met with a local entrepreneurial organization and am hopeful that I can arrange/help with some basic business skills trainings at the new business center in Lenkeran. I don’t feel like I’ve done too much so far in my first six months as far as projects, I kept using the language and new environment as excuses, but that should all be changing now and hopefully I can get some good projects going ASAP.
I would like to say Hello! to another addition to the extended friends family: Ryan Elizabeth Hughes decided she was sick of traveling with Nikki 24/7 and joined the world late last week. Matt “Mr. Mom” Hughes should already be in full effect…
Pictures seen this week are of Magda, me, Tom, Rikki George and Ben at dinner, me, Ben, Tom and Magda screwing around in the hotel, me, Tom, and Rikki George, some funny little kid we saw in a store, the final snow count at Nene’s, Nene’s electrical set up with battery collectors, surge protector, and all sorts of junk it takes to have consistent electricity in Lenkeran, and finally what I use to wash my clothes…seriously it is called “Barf”-I can’t make this stuff up…
hey Ash, I know this weird and real late to post but I was looking at your pics and if you look closely at the one where you me tom and ben are piled on your bed your can totally see my band-aid mark, I really must be a mutant! monkey
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