This blog is dedicated to my friends Carlo and Rob for their pig roast last

weekend in Ganja. Top notch gentlemen, top notch. We had a great weekend of playing softball in beautiful fall weather and followed it up with roasting a 45 pound pig on a metal ladder for a feast fit for crazy PCVs! Everyone ate more than their weight limit of pork, potatoes and fixins and t

here was still meat to spare. It was definitely one of the better weekends I’ve had here so far.
This week has been pretty low key around Lankaran. My office has been pretty empty and everything around town is definitely slowing down for the winter. I am going to house sit for Nene some in December.

She’s going on a month long bus tour of Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria and somewhere else I think. How freaking cool is that?
We are going to have our Turkey Day Feast this weekend thanks to our Director and Embassy folks. Tom, Carlo, Ben and I are responsible for making about 10 pounds of mashed potatoes-we figured that was the safest sid

e dish for 4 idiots to be in charge of. We are staying with the same amazing American host family as last year so we will be living the high life in their pool and sauna all afternoon leading up to and following the party. Tom and I have been in full talent show preparation mode all week. We are going to attempt to

top the Bon Jovi performance last year. It’s gunna be hard, but I think if we can pull off what we are trying for, it should be the dumbest thing of all time!
That’s about all I’ve got right now. After this weekend, I’ll be done with my in

sane travel schedule I’ve had over the past months and will be ready to buckle down for my last 10 months. Tom informed me that we are in the single digits of months left in our service (not that he’s counting), so that was a real wake up

call for me to get my butt in gear! Here’s some pics from the roast: the pig, tom getting the first taste, me in my pig roast outfit (sarong) with the potatoes, me, Carlo and Tor, the “pig” lights, Carlo and I doing out best Chris Cross impersonations-JUMP JUMP, the Lank gang, and finally me, Jane and Magda with our weekend “pig

tails”…that’s right, my nasty hair is coming back in full force!!!!
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