Ash's Azer Adventure

Hello everyone! The following is my blog about my 27 month trip to Azerbaijan working with the Peace Corps. I am a part of the 4th group sent to Azerbaijan and am in the Community Economic Development (CED) Program working with local companies to help them operate better in the world. Hopefully I’ll have some fun stories and cool pictures from traveling around Asia Minor and Eastern Europe. This blog is in no way related to the Peace Corps or their opinions. I hope you all enjoy…

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Weekend Trip

This weekend everyone gets to go on a site visit to see a new town/city and hang out with a current volunteer. Myself and a guy named Mike are visiting Tom in Mengacevir-which is in the center of the country towards the top. There are about 150,000 people here, so it's the 4th largest city in the country. It is on the south east end of a big lake-which we are going swimming in this afternoon and that I'm extremely excited about! Tom has a make shift grill and we ate like kings last night so that was nice. We also have watched the new Superman on DVD and will watch Cars at some point-I do love the bootleg DVD's. Not much else too exciting to report. On our 5 hour drive here through hills/small mountains a little girl sitting on the other side of Mike than me puked all over and it splattered on Mike's pants. Needless to say I laughed like crazy, then had to focus for the next 20 minutes on me not puking too! I hope everyone enjoys watching the British Open finale today. Man I'd love to have a nice leather recliner and watch that....


At 10:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sounds like you are having an amazing time. Wish I was there. Enjoy your time over there.


At 9:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice on the puking story- good times I am sure!

Be glad you don't have access to many movies, Tye forced me to watch "Little Man" b/c it was 100 degrees outside and we have no a/c in our house. THE ABSOLUTE WORST MOVIE EVER MADE. 1.5 hours of my life I will never get back. I am ashamed.



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